Devlog 7

New Levels

One of our biggest changes over the past couple weeks has been the addition of a few new levels. We have added both easier and harder levels compared to the previous level.

Tutorial Level

A tutorial level to teach the player the controls and mechanics of our game. We display instructions on the bottom to guide the player and show the player the controls and to introduce mechanics one at a time.

Level 2

This level shows off our new weight-based platforming mechanic. When the player reaches certain weights, they will now cause different structures to collapse by making contact. This adds another layer of strategy to the puzzles where players may need to gain or lose weight to reach different areas.

Level 3

This level contains puzzles that are built around the dashing mechanic, with long jumps that can only be cleared via the dash. It showcases the increased dash radius that accompanies an increase in player size. This is particularly evident when going for the first collectable, which is placed further away than most of the obstacles in the level. The player will need to eat as much as they can before that point to reach the collectable.

Out of range when small

In range when big


We have also added a variety of new UI elements and menus:

  • A puke meter to give the player an indication of how much the player has charged up so they know how far something will go
  • A pause menu to allow the player to leave the level, adjust settings, or view the controls
  • A level select that displays the completed levels allowing players to replay previous levels and unlock new ones
  • A sensitivity slider in the settings to adjust camera sensitivity




The following are assets for the upcoming UI elements/menus that will be added, such as an improved start screen and UI to show the inventory. There are also the concepts for the failed experiments which will replace the placeholder sphere collectables that are currently in the game.




Challenges and Obstacles

  • The tutorial had sections in it that were hard for players to understand without some external instruction.

Files 69 MB
83 days ago
Updated Tech Demo.mp4 862 MB
82 days ago

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